Saturday, February 16, 2008

Enough is Enough

I am not a fan of the NRA. I am against the Second Amendment, people do not have the right to bare arms. The irresponsibility of people is reason enough for me to say the amendment should be amended. This week, the second massacre in a University within a year took place when a mentally unstable person opened fire and killed innocent people. My problem with the NRA is where are they to take a stand? Psychos are shooting people in schools, malls and even on street corners. Hey NRA step up to the plate and help the situation.

I am willing to bet the majority of members of the NRA are responsible People when it comes to their guns and these aren't the people killing innocent people for no reason. But the fact guns are so easily available, anyone can get their hands on one, two or 20. Some one needs to be responsible and I propose it be the National Rifle Association.

To posses a gun is a privilege, not a right. It's that simple. I can only hope our next president takes a stand and does something positive and protect innocent people.

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