Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Damn Cold

It doesn't happen often, in fact, it's usually once every year or two, but I get a cold. It starts as soar throat for about a day, than the next morning, the congestion fills up in my head. And if I am lucky and it doesn't turn into a sinus infection, I will be pouring out phlegm for the next week.

It's amazing, all of the technological advances this world has made and their is no cure for the common cold. Maybe, the medicine companies want to keep it that way? Hmmm, how's that for a conspiracy theory?

When I was younger, I use to get colds every season change. As I get older it became less and less, I went about 3 years without a single cold.

I am not the kind of person who can just lie in bed and nurse myself to sleep that way. I guess I just have to be patient and it will go away.

Damn Colds!

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