Monday, January 15, 2007

No Child Left Behind?

Today, being Dr. Martin Luther King Day, got me thinking, how many people really understand what Dr. King was fighting for? What was his dream about? I am willing to bet most people don't have a clue. In fact, why do we celebrate Labor Day? What President was Abraham Lincoln? What's the significance of Thanksgiving?

Most of our Country's problems, no, I mean our World's problems can be solved by Education. Education isn't just writing and math, Education is learning. Learning is something we should do every day of our life. The Fearless Leader of the Free World believes no child should be left behind when it comes to education, but breaking that down it just means we should make sure everyone is taught to pass a test.

I for one would love to see Physcial Education, The Arts and Sciences, History, Language and Technology pushed as much as Reading, Writing and Math. Several Years ago, I heard this little proverb and I have adopted it to my everyday life. - "Learn something new today and you will be Smarter tomorrow."

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