Saturday, December 16, 2006

Paid to be wrong

Weather men/women really get under my skin. They are almost always wrong - "It's going to be mostly sunny with a 15% chance of rain." What does that mean?? If this day happens 100 times, it will rain 15 of them? And whats up with "mostly sunny?" It's either going to be sunny or not sunny.

I understand predicting the weather is not an exact science, but I feel these people are wrong too often. And when you watch the weather and their is a bad storm, they always show the worse parts of the storm - the car floating away in the 3 feet of still waters, etc.

I also get really ticked off when I use to watch the local news and they would have the weather teaser on the top of the show and wouldn't show the weather for another 20 minutes. Why even have a teaser? People know when the weather is coming on, they are either going to watch it or not.

Finally, the weather people are wrong way more than they are right. If most people were wrong this many times at their job they would be fired.

One last note, I have really bad sinuses and I when my head starts to hurt, I know when a system is going to move in. One day a few years ago, the local weather guru promised a "mostly sunny day" and "it was a good day to take the boat out" of course he was wrong. My head was killing me and sure enough, like clock work, the skies opened up and it poured. The least thing the weather guru could have done was apologize to all of the boaters.

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