Friday, December 22, 2006

My Least Favorite People of '06

Yes, it's that time of year, reflecting on the year that was. Remembering all of the events of the year and the people who made them possible. So with that in mind, I present my top 10 least Favorite People.

10. Nancy Grace.
The problem I have with Nancy Grace is that she doesn't know who she is. She is not a News Person, she is an entertainer. There is a fine line between the 2. Someone who reports the news, reports the news. If they want to take a liberal or conservative slant, so be it. But stop fooling people into thinking that you are reporting news. I felt her guerrila tactics were uncalled for and unprofessional. Nancy Grace might find it in her best interest to sit down and watch John Walsh. I think she would learn a lot.

9. Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump.
Two big bags of wind. Let's start off with Rosie. She's obviously not comfortable with the fact that she is a Lesbian. I guess she hasn't come to grips with that yet, who knows maybe she never will. She also hasn't come to grips with her grotesque physical appearence. Rosie is a nasty person. I refuse to watch her on tv and the only times I am hearing about her is when she is doing something or saying something mean.

What is the deal with Donald Trump? He is perhaps the biggest egomaniac on the planet. He's become a cartoon character and its hard to take a thing he does or says serious. The only reason he is giving Miss USA a second chance is because he wants her. Who knows, maybe he already had her. I look at Trump and all I see is Fred Flintstone, but at least Fred Flintstone was funny.

8. The BCS.
The good ole Bowl Championship Committee or shall I say, the ole boys network. To say they are looking out for the best interest of the NCAA or college football is a joke. They are in it to Rape College Athletics. The reason they took Florida in the National Championship Game was because they were afraid of the backlash from the SEC dropping out. As far as I am concerned, the College Football Season ends at The Army/Navy Game. The 32 Bowl Games are just their so there is something to watch. Too bad "24" won't start a week early.

7. Judge Judy.
Her voice is like nails on a blackboard. No one can be this much of a bitch, well, I'd like to think no one can. As long as she is on tv, she will be on this list. Simply put, I loather her.

6. Isiah Thomas.
Forget the fact that he bankrupt the CBA. Forget the fact he almost ruined the Indiana Pacers. Forget, even the fact he has made stupid move after stupid move with the Knicks. The simple fact that he threatened to break Bruce Bowen's leg and threatened Carmello Anthony shows this guy is certifiable. I would not be surprised if in 10 years we see him driving a White Bronco, leaving the scene of a double homocide.

5. OJ Simpson.
If he would have killed Nicole and Ron, this is how he would have done it? I don't even know where to begin, so I will simply say this, to any woman dumb enough to go out with him, you get what you derserve.

4. Dick Cheney.
I think we should give Uncle Dickey a case of beer and a loaded shotgun and send him to Iraq. He'll shot everyone in sight. And who knows maybe we will get lucky and he won't come back.

3. The Skank Trifecta - Paris Hilton, Brittney Spears and Lindsay Lohan.
Let's see, what are Paris' good qualities, hmmm, let me think? Well, she did a home video or 2, is that something? Gee, I can't think of any, let me come back to her. Brittney Spears, whats her good qualities? Mother? Nope. Wive? Nope. Pop Star? Nope. Ok, let me get back to her in a minute. Lindsay Lohan, hmmm, what are her good qualities? exactly, the same as Hilton and Spears NOTHING. I think these 3 skanks deserve each other. And lets hope in 2007 we don't have to hear about them at all.

2. Terrell Owens.
TO ODed and it wasn't his fault. TO led the league in dropped passes and it wasn't is fault. TO destroyed the 49ers and Eagles, still it wasn't his fault. Everything that goes wrong in TOs life is not his fault. He is right, everyone else is wrong. TO is good, McNabb and Garcia and Parcells is bad.

1. Mel Gibson.
Yes Mel Gibson is an Anti-Semite. Don't let him fool you, he hates Jews. He probably hates Blacks, Asians, Women and Candians too. After The Lethal Weapn Series, I thought Mel Gibson because irrellevant. Actually, he did. If it wasn't for his piece of Anti-Jewish crap, he would have fell of the face of the earth. Mel, my advice to you is simple, have another drink and another and another. Get so sloppy drunk that you think you are Danny Glover. Than get into your car and drive far, far away. Drive so we don't ever have to hear from you ever again!

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