Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Slice of Democracy

Today was the Florida Primary elections. And for some stupid reason, only one of the parties were campaigning here (I don't think I'll ever truly understand why Democratic Party takes it out on Americans?) It got me thinking about how can our Country improve and who could lead us to that improvement. We have such problems with the Economy, the Dollar is weak, The Housing Market is slumping, Gas and Food are out of control. Our Education System is not up to par. Our Health Care System needs a complete overhaul. We are fighting a war for oil, yet we are paying more money than we ever had, does this make sense?

The short of it, our Country is in disarray. Our President has done a horrible job in the oval office for the average American. There is no middle class anymore and we are all struggling to get by. I wish I could right a few lines to solve all of the problems, but I wouldn't even know where to begin? This is what I know, Things stink and they have to change. We need to do the complete opposite of what we are doing.

For every Conservative who cannot stand the sight of Bill Clinton, just remember, how things were prospering under his reign and look at the current leadership in office now and see where we are?

I had a hard time voting today, I don't know if anyone can help us out of the problem we are in. I think every candidate should stop making hollow promises and honestly take into consideration what most Americans are going through now.

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