Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Enough is enough. Floyd Landis, the 2006 Tour De France Winner, has been found guilty of using performance enhancing drugs. WHO CARES! Lance Armstrong captured American's imaginations by winning the race as a cancer survivor. Armstrong, like most Americans, is not the most popular guy world wide. Once Armstrong decided he wouldn't compete for another Tour De France title, the field was wide open. In comes Floyd Landis, winning in somewhat easy fashion. After all the dust has settled, he tested positive for a banned substance. Now, Bike racing has become as popular as Curling, Lawn Darts and Croquet. Landis has made a mockery of his sport. Like the other athletes who tested positive before him, he has hid behind "It's gotta be a mistake" and "Someone is out to get me, I'd never do that."

Here's the thing, when you are in competitive sports and any kind of edge can put you closer to the pinnacle of success, the temptation is there. We live in a place where its easy to react to something as oppose to act on it, making the chances of not getting caught better.

Barry Bonds has never been caught using anything illegal, but ask anybody and in the court of public opinion, he is guilty. Floyd Landis was found guilty and instead of disappearing, he is trying to save his name. People don't care enough about him or his sport to want to believe he is innocent.

When all is said and done, Floyd Landis will be an asterisk in sports history, like Tanya Harding, Mike Tyson and Art Schleister. Landis is best off hiding in obscurity or joining the WWE, either way, he will never be taken serious again.

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