Monday, March 19, 2007

Some Random Thoughts for a Monday

The Gulf War celebrates its 4th anniversary, has anything been accomplished? President Bushs' approval rating is at an all-time low. Gas Prices are still high. America's Foreign Policy isn't looking too good. Here's hoping the next 4 years are better than the first 4.

I have really enjoyed the NCAA Basketball Tournament so far this year. I don't think the best teams have been playing their best. I have this funny feeling it will be a BCS Championship rematch on the Court with Florida taking on Ohio State.

Do you think everything tastes better when it's BBQd?

Why has boxing turned into such a joke of a sport? Does anyone under the age of 30 even care? Do you think Don King will get his paws involved in Mixed Martial Arts?

Has our cultured gotten more violent and sexual? Sometimes I feel like I am watching an R Rated movie, but its the evening news. I am not one for censoring someone, but I do believe people need to be warned about what they are about to experience. As consumers, we should be able to make our own decisions about our lives, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. We also have to do a better job teaching our children the differences between right and wrong. That's another blog for another day.

I believe their needs to be separation in church and state. I believe one's religious views should be on a different plane as one's political views. Decisions should be made based on whats good for the State as a whole, not What Jesus Would Do? As Americans, we need to be more sympathetic and understanding to other people's believes.

Spring is almost here and that means the Boys of Summer are gearing up for Opening Day. No matter what it's like outside, when "Play Ball" is called for the first time every season, the true smell of spring takes place.

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