Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Talk isn't so Cheap

Have you ever really looked at your phone bill? You have your local charges and long distance charges and maybe even internet charges, but why is it so damn expensive? Have you seen your Cable Bill? Your Satellite Bill? Why are they so damn expensive? Oh yeah, Taxes. Uncle Sam's way of letting us know we are alive.

I have come to the realization, that as long as I am here, I will have to pay taxes. There seems to be no logical rationalization of who is taxing me and for how much and what is this money going towards, all I know is that I am paying taxes on all forms of Communications. Why is it the FCC is getting any of my money? I disagree with most of their regulations and I don't feel as if my money should be used to pay for lawyers in the fight to what they perceive is "decent."

Here's my solution, take the money from the taxing of Phone Bills, Cable Bills and Satellite Bills that goes to the FCC and put that money towards research and development for better technology. This way, it will be cheaper to make a phone call, watch television and get on line. As American's, we have the freedom of speech, it's just so damn expensive to say what we have to say!

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